Nampak’s corporate social investment policy and practices have been in place for a number of years. This has resulted in meaningful long-term relationships with key schools and the broader communities located near our factories.

We aim to make a meaningful difference and therefore have adopted a focused approach to our activities which are largely centred on youth development. We also provide general support to the communities through donations to various hospices and other charities.

The group has a target of allocating 1% of its profit after tax from Nampak Products Ltd to corporate social investment. During 2023, a total of R1 million was spent mainly on supporting hospices in the areas where our employees work as well as a children’s home..


Total 2023 spend
R1 million




Nampak’s bursary scheme, which has operated successfully for many years, provides assistance to high-potential learners for continuing education at tertiary institutions. Being a manufacturing organisation, we allocate bursary funds to those learners who are studying towards science, engineering, supply chain and accounting degrees. Wherever possible, we offer bursars vocational work experience at our operations.

Recently qualified graduates are eligible to apply to join our graduate development programme. We currently support 8 bursars.

YES4Youth initiative

Nampak once again showed commitment to addressing the unacceptable numbers of unemployed young adults in South Africa, by continuing to support the Youth Employment Service (YES) Programme in 2023. It contributed R5.7m in 2023 bringing its total commitment since inception to R32m.

In its fifth year of YES, the group sponsored 109 youth to gain two B-BBEE levels. The impact is significant, as almost 500 individuals have now benefited from Nampak’s participation in the initiative which has improved their chances of success.